Yajiete radiator business philosophy

Won national design and construction integration two qualification

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Company: yajiete Radiator Co., Ltd.

Contact person: Yao Yufang

Tel: 022-68879110

Fax: 022-68879110

Phone: 13516103589

Current location:Hmoe >> Information

On the property market will hvac industry into a calm thinking

Source : 本站原创Publication time : 2013年6月10日Click : 1541
As we all know, the economy of inflation in China is serious in recent years, rising prices caused great influence on people's lives. Since our country entered the "twelfth five-year", the country is to strengthen the economic macro-control measures, makes every effort to stabilize prices, the development of the real economy, make our country's economy can seek improvement in stability, and bear the brunt of the macroeconomic regulation and control is in regulating the real estate industry. Across our country house prices had been "chanting," real estate boom appeared again and again, and when fired hot housing prices beyond the social economic development level is likely to collapse, so the real estate economy is driven by the "bubble economy", is not conducive to the healthy development of national economy. Nearly two years the country for the property market to tighten policy to make the real estate industry to achieve a soft landing, from ?
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